Math 10 Final Project: Analyzing the weather conditions in 10 locations#

Author: Zidong Zhang

Course Project, UC Irvine, Math 10, S24

I would like to post my notebook on the course’s website. [Yes]

import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
import altair as alt
import numpy as np
from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression,LinearRegression
from sklearn.model_selection import train_test_split,KFold
from sklearn.metrics import r2_score
df = pd.read_csv('weather_data.csv')
            Location        Date_Time  Temperature_C  Humidity_pct  \
0          San Diego  2024/1/14 21:12      10.683001     41.195754   
1          San Diego  2024/5/17 15:22       8.734140     58.319107   
2          San Diego   2024/5/11 9:30      11.632436     38.820175   
3       Philadelphia  2024/2/26 17:32      -8.628976     54.074474   
4        San Antonio  2024/4/29 13:23      39.808213     72.899908   
...              ...              ...            ...           ...   
999995        Dallas   2024/1/1 20:29      23.416877     37.705024   
999996   San Antonio  2024/1/20 15:59       6.759080     40.731036   
999997      New York   2024/4/14 8:30      15.664465     62.201884   
999998       Chicago  2024/5/12 20:10      18.999994     63.703245   
999999      New York  2024/4/16 16:11      10.725351     43.804584   

        Precipitation_mm  Wind_Speed_kmh  
0               4.020119        8.233540  
1               9.111623       27.715161  
2               4.607511       28.732951  
3               3.183720       26.367303  
4               9.598282       29.898622  
...                  ...             ...  
999995          3.819833       16.538119  
999996          8.182785       29.005558  
999997          3.987558        0.403909  
999998          4.294325        6.326036  
999999          1.883292       15.363828  

[1000000 rows x 6 columns]
Location             object
Date_Time            object
Temperature_C       float64
Humidity_pct        float64
Precipitation_mm    float64
Wind_Speed_kmh      float64
dtype: object
(1000000, 6)
col =df['Location']
0            San Diego
1            San Diego
2            San Diego
3         Philadelphia
4          San Antonio
999995          Dallas
999996     San Antonio
999997        New York
999998         Chicago
999999        New York
Name: Location, Length: 1000000, dtype: object
z = df[0:50]
Location Date_Time Temperature_C Humidity_pct Precipitation_mm Wind_Speed_kmh
0 San Diego 2024/1/14 21:12 10.683001 41.195754 4.020119 8.233540
1 San Diego 2024/5/17 15:22 8.734140 58.319107 9.111623 27.715161
2 San Diego 2024/5/11 9:30 11.632436 38.820175 4.607511 28.732951
3 Philadelphia 2024/2/26 17:32 -8.628976 54.074474 3.183720 26.367303
4 San Antonio 2024/4/29 13:23 39.808213 72.899908 9.598282 29.898622
5 San Diego 2024/1/21 8:54 27.341055 49.023236 9.166543 27.473896
6 San Jose 2024/1/13 2:10 1.881883 65.742325 0.221709 1.073112
7 New York 2024/1/25 19:04 -6.894766 30.804894 8.027624 16.848337
8 New York 2024/3/29 5:20 0.963545 38.819158 3.640129 7.989024
9 San Jose 2024/5/18 9:14 -1.607088 82.198701 4.101493 25.647282
10 New York 2024/3/4 13:47 35.145559 54.752866 8.349195 25.430310
11 Houston 2024/3/7 22:03 15.816764 80.119902 3.760004 16.752132
12 Dallas 2024/2/27 21:07 32.016898 53.194371 3.552671 3.050196
13 Houston 2024/5/9 0:53 38.641269 85.952726 0.470782 20.779264
14 Houston 2024/5/12 15:57 39.666772 72.747026 1.263722 6.479492
15 Philadelphia 2024/3/9 1:51 28.290115 35.239170 9.347205 14.066765
16 San Antonio 2024/2/10 15:05 16.349790 65.812607 0.109090 6.597039
17 Chicago 2024/1/6 2:59 26.786811 31.513614 0.496024 22.980095
18 San Antonio 2024/5/8 16:20 35.179548 35.083071 9.597294 4.507863
19 San Diego 2024/1/31 5:38 14.605819 66.642235 1.515637 29.431890
20 San Diego 2024/1/25 12:59 33.023351 52.607485 0.212143 16.733325
21 New York 2024/2/19 12:26 -7.383811 54.089973 1.905731 6.637064
22 San Antonio 2024/2/14 4:43 30.739684 85.603779 9.250559 24.375952
23 San Jose 2024/4/22 3:13 34.539654 57.793010 3.583560 13.044745
24 Houston 2024/1/11 2:53 -5.236300 58.054296 4.072880 24.754053
25 San Jose 2024/3/5 21:38 -1.733200 47.973206 7.066381 3.430741
26 San Diego 2024/3/27 10:44 24.312724 57.869279 9.693766 23.947188
27 San Antonio 2024/2/8 20:45 3.017951 49.868218 6.906614 6.212008
28 New York 2024/1/4 21:41 14.568328 41.350180 3.342765 4.781286
29 Los Angeles 2024/2/15 20:47 -2.409511 46.834004 4.550643 7.437357
30 New York 2024/2/2 2:17 -2.862063 53.395172 5.473387 28.519430
31 Dallas 2024/2/22 14:16 12.865779 44.725912 4.809865 5.567550
32 Chicago 2024/4/16 0:07 17.587820 32.817923 0.128803 0.234146
33 Houston 2024/2/29 23:17 7.630377 33.523611 2.462748 13.232696
34 Philadelphia 2024/4/20 9:34 0.351373 88.015157 1.795374 21.665466
35 Dallas 2024/3/22 2:34 17.439495 56.210161 9.728971 9.497027
36 Philadelphia 2024/3/16 23:47 23.405681 78.914506 7.767704 3.675792
37 Phoenix 2024/1/29 7:08 1.512627 89.417846 5.210117 7.332915
38 Chicago 2024/4/1 3:12 -2.562660 30.356593 2.624328 2.601357
39 New York 2024/4/21 10:17 8.863086 71.492544 4.878107 21.904186
40 Dallas 2024/4/3 22:07 6.514284 42.006015 1.405197 18.385767
41 New York 2024/2/19 19:53 38.545534 40.450830 1.123494 13.262020
42 Philadelphia 2024/5/18 2:32 -2.015243 36.062193 6.664136 18.623465
43 San Diego 2024/1/24 12:04 -6.853765 84.666780 9.027691 18.233632
44 San Diego 2024/3/3 11:02 35.666565 74.060956 1.328726 24.161295
45 Chicago 2024/4/3 12:07 7.166150 50.377273 4.669553 11.841165
46 Phoenix 2024/3/24 22:44 34.453648 59.576973 4.514323 20.487150
47 Chicago 2024/4/5 13:22 38.386233 74.049712 6.792913 3.292467
48 Philadelphia 2024/3/26 12:45 7.106603 79.177323 5.767120 22.364479
49 San Jose 2024/5/8 20:16 35.097440 40.225820 6.088406 20.013380
Location Date_Time Temperature_C Humidity_pct Precipitation_mm Wind_Speed_kmh
0 San Diego 2024/1/14 21:12 10.683001 41.195754 4.020119 8.233540
1 San Diego 2024/5/17 15:22 8.734140 58.319107 9.111623 27.715161
df[df['Location']== 'New York']
Location Date_Time Temperature_C Humidity_pct Precipitation_mm Wind_Speed_kmh
7 New York 2024/1/25 19:04 -6.894766 30.804894 8.027624 16.848337
8 New York 2024/3/29 5:20 0.963545 38.819158 3.640129 7.989024
10 New York 2024/3/4 13:47 35.145559 54.752866 8.349195 25.430310
21 New York 2024/2/19 12:26 -7.383811 54.089973 1.905731 6.637064
28 New York 2024/1/4 21:41 14.568328 41.350180 3.342765 4.781286
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
999979 New York 2024/1/30 15:04 1.837912 66.505813 4.934130 4.797305
999990 New York 2024/1/1 11:49 20.245916 31.677558 9.801482 24.029331
999991 New York 2024/2/14 3:55 4.210758 45.683075 2.053384 22.351735
999997 New York 2024/4/14 8:30 15.664465 62.201884 3.987558 0.403909
999999 New York 2024/4/16 16:11 10.725351 43.804584 1.883292 15.363828

99972 rows × 6 columns

Location Temperature_C
0 San Diego 10.683001
1 San Diego 8.734140
2 San Diego 11.632436
3 Philadelphia -8.628976
4 San Antonio 39.808213
5 San Diego 27.341055
6 San Jose 1.881883
7 New York -6.894766
8 New York 0.963545
9 San Jose -1.607088
10 New York 35.145559
11 Houston 15.816764
12 Dallas 32.016898
13 Houston 38.641269
14 Houston 39.666772
15 Philadelphia 28.290115
16 San Antonio 16.349790
17 Chicago 26.786811
18 San Antonio 35.179548
19 San Diego 14.605819
20 San Diego 33.023351
21 New York -7.383811
22 San Antonio 30.739684
23 San Jose 34.539654
24 Houston -5.236300
25 San Jose -1.733200
26 San Diego 24.312724
27 San Antonio 3.017951
28 New York 14.568328
29 Los Angeles -2.409511
30 New York -2.862063
31 Dallas 12.865779
32 Chicago 17.587820
33 Houston 7.630377
34 Philadelphia 0.351373
35 Dallas 17.439495
36 Philadelphia 23.405681
37 Phoenix 1.512627
38 Chicago -2.562660
39 New York 8.863086
40 Dallas 6.514284
41 New York 38.545534
42 Philadelphia -2.015243
43 San Diego -6.853765
44 San Diego 35.666565
45 Chicago 7.166150
46 Phoenix 34.453648
47 Chicago 38.386233
48 Philadelphia 7.106603
49 San Jose 35.097440
50 San Diego -5.855824
Humidity_pct Precipitation_mm Wind_Speed_kmh
0 41.195754 4.020119 8.233540
1 58.319107 9.111623 27.715161
2 38.820175 4.607511 28.732951
3 54.074474 3.183720 26.367303
4 72.899908 9.598282 29.898622
5 49.023236 9.166543 27.473896
6 65.742325 0.221709 1.073112
7 30.804894 8.027624 16.848337
8 38.819158 3.640129 7.989024
9 82.198701 4.101493 25.647282
10 54.752866 8.349195 25.430310
11 80.119902 3.760004 16.752132
12 53.194371 3.552671 3.050196
13 85.952726 0.470782 20.779264
14 72.747026 1.263722 6.479492
15 35.239170 9.347205 14.066765
16 65.812607 0.109090 6.597039
17 31.513614 0.496024 22.980095
18 35.083071 9.597294 4.507863
19 66.642235 1.515637 29.431890
20 52.607485 0.212143 16.733325
21 54.089973 1.905731 6.637064
22 85.603779 9.250559 24.375952
23 57.793010 3.583560 13.044745
24 58.054296 4.072880 24.754053
25 47.973206 7.066381 3.430741
26 57.869279 9.693766 23.947188
27 49.868218 6.906614 6.212008
28 41.350180 3.342765 4.781286
29 46.834004 4.550643 7.437357
30 53.395172 5.473387 28.519430
Location Date_Time Temperature_C
0 San Diego 2024/1/14 21:12 10.683001
1 San Diego 2024/5/17 15:22 8.734140
2 San Diego 2024/5/11 9:30 11.632436
Temperature_C Humidity_pct Precipitation_mm Wind_Speed_kmh
count 1000000.000000 1000000.000000 1000000.000000 1000000.000000
mean 14.779705 60.021830 5.109639 14.997598
std 14.482558 17.324022 2.947997 8.663556
min -19.969311 30.000009 0.000009 0.000051
25% 2.269631 45.008500 2.580694 7.490101
50% 14.778002 60.018708 5.109917 14.993777
75% 27.270489 75.043818 7.613750 22.514110
max 39.999801 89.999977 14.971583 29.999973
<class 'pandas.core.frame.DataFrame'>
RangeIndex: 1000000 entries, 0 to 999999
Data columns (total 6 columns):
 #   Column            Non-Null Count    Dtype  
---  ------            --------------    -----  
 0   Location          1000000 non-null  object 
 1   Date_Time         1000000 non-null  object 
 2   Temperature_C     1000000 non-null  float64
 3   Humidity_pct      1000000 non-null  float64
 4   Precipitation_mm  1000000 non-null  float64
 5   Wind_Speed_kmh    1000000 non-null  float64
dtypes: float64(4), object(2)
memory usage: 45.8+ MB
a =df.dropna(thresh=6)
Location Date_Time Temperature_C Humidity_pct Precipitation_mm Wind_Speed_kmh
0 San Diego 2024/1/14 21:12 10.683001 41.195754 4.020119 8.233540
1 San Diego 2024/5/17 15:22 8.734140 58.319107 9.111623 27.715161
2 San Diego 2024/5/11 9:30 11.632436 38.820175 4.607511 28.732951
3 Philadelphia 2024/2/26 17:32 -8.628976 54.074474 3.183720 26.367303
4 San Antonio 2024/4/29 13:23 39.808213 72.899908 9.598282 29.898622
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
999995 Dallas 2024/1/1 20:29 23.416877 37.705024 3.819833 16.538119
999996 San Antonio 2024/1/20 15:59 6.759080 40.731036 8.182785 29.005558
999997 New York 2024/4/14 8:30 15.664465 62.201884 3.987558 0.403909
999998 Chicago 2024/5/12 20:10 18.999994 63.703245 4.294325 6.326036
999999 New York 2024/4/16 16:11 10.725351 43.804584 1.883292 15.363828

1000000 rows × 6 columns

top_five = df['Location'].value_counts().head(5)
top = top_five.index.values
array(['Phoenix', 'Chicago', 'Philadelphia', 'Houston', 'New York'],
cf = df[df['Location'].isin(top)]
Location Date_Time Temperature_C Humidity_pct Precipitation_mm Wind_Speed_kmh
3 Philadelphia 2024/2/26 17:32 -8.628976 54.074474 3.183720 26.367303
7 New York 2024/1/25 19:04 -6.894766 30.804894 8.027624 16.848337
8 New York 2024/3/29 5:20 0.963545 38.819158 3.640129 7.989024
10 New York 2024/3/4 13:47 35.145559 54.752866 8.349195 25.430310
11 Houston 2024/3/7 22:03 15.816764 80.119902 3.760004 16.752132
... ... ... ... ... ... ...
999990 New York 2024/1/1 11:49 20.245916 31.677558 9.801482 24.029331
999991 New York 2024/2/14 3:55 4.210758 45.683075 2.053384 22.351735
999997 New York 2024/4/14 8:30 15.664465 62.201884 3.987558 0.403909
999998 Chicago 2024/5/12 20:10 18.999994 63.703245 4.294325 6.326036
999999 New York 2024/4/16 16:11 10.725351 43.804584 1.883292 15.363828

500543 rows × 6 columns

columns = ['Temperature_C','Humidity_pct','Precipitation_mm','Wind_Speed_kmh']

d1 = alt.Chart(a[0:1000]).mark_bar().encode(x  ='Location',y ='Humidity_pct',color = 'Location')

d2 = alt.Chart(cf[0:1000]).mark_point().encode(x  ='Temperature_C',y ='Humidity_pct',color = 'Location')

d3 = alt.Chart(cf[0:1000]).mark_point().encode(x  ='Temperature_C',y ='Precipitation_mm',color = 'Location')

d4 = alt.Chart(cf[0:1000]).mark_point().encode(x  ='Temperature_C',y ='Wind_Speed_kmh',color = 'Location')

The picture shows that from the first 1000 data and analyze, it shows the bar charta and point chart. It shwos that the relationship between the temperature and humidity, precipitaion and wind speed. We can see that Chicago and New York are moister than other location.

Logistic Regression#

lg = LogisticRegression()[columns],cf['Location'])
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
On GitHub, the HTML representation is unable to render, please try loading this page with
array(['Houston', 'Phoenix', 'Houston', ..., 'New York', 'Philadelphia',
       'Houston'], dtype=object)
array([[ 2.06782623e-03,  1.62776332e-04, -2.39521432e-02,
       [ 1.74647013e-03, -2.58646999e-04, -2.46208594e-02,
       [ 2.08240756e-03,  8.82963083e-06, -2.51033553e-02,
       [ 2.19137751e-03,  1.58940926e-05, -2.33413604e-02,
       [-8.08808143e-03,  7.11469430e-05,  9.70177183e-02,
array(['Chicago', 'Houston', 'New York', 'Philadelphia', 'Phoenix'],
array([ 0.0930484 ,  0.12760107,  0.10777946,  0.09835607, -0.42678501])

I use code to calculate the logistic Regression Coefficients, intercepts and the score.

Q = d1.mark_bar().encode()

Cross Validation#

features = ['Precipitation_mm']
target = ['Wind_Speed_kmh']
df.dropna(subset=features + target, inplace=True)
model = LinearRegression()
kf =KFold(n_splits=5,shuffle=True,random_state=1)
scores = []
k = 1

for train_index, test_index in kf.split(df):
    X_train, X_test = df[features].iloc[train_index], df[features].iloc[test_index]
    y_train, y_test = df[target].iloc[train_index], df[target].iloc[test_index],y_train)
    y_pred = model.predict(X_test)
    score = r2_score(y_test,y_pred)
    k += 1
    print(f"Fold {k-1} R^2 score:",score)
print('Average R^2 score:',np.mean(scores))
Fold 1 R^2 score: 1.945889039789428e-06
Fold 2 R^2 score: 1.5445602918884305e-07
Fold 3 R^2 score: -5.1999608152719645e-06
Fold 4 R^2 score: -1.3250731167646634e-05
Fold 5 R^2 score: -1.3370042832638873e-05
Average R^2 score: -5.94407794931584e-06

In this case, I calculate the Fold 1,2,3,4,5 and use cross validation to find the mean scores.

from sklearn.preprocessing import StandardScaler
from sklearn.preprocessing import LabelEncoder
features = ['Precipitation_mm','Wind_Speed_kmh']
label = 'Location'
df.dropna(subset=features + [label], inplace=True)
scaler = StandardScaler()
df[features] = scaler.fit_transform(df[features])

X= df[features]
y= df[label]
label_encoder = LabelEncoder()
df[label] = label_encoder.fit_transform(df[label])

X = df[features]
y = df[label]

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

from sklearn.linear_model import LogisticRegression
from sklearn.metrics import accuracy_score

model = LogisticRegression(multi_class='multinomial', solver='lbfgs'),y)

y_pred = model.predict(X)
accuracy = accuracy_score(y,y_pred)

Accuracy: 0.111441
[9 6 3 ... 7 7 9]
sns.barplot(x='Humidity_pct',y='Temperature_C',data=df[0:100],errorbar= None,edgecolor= 'black')

plt.title('The data between Temperature and Humidity')


Extra: using Naive Bayes Classifier and compare the data#

 from sklearn.naive_bayes import GaussianNB

X_train, X_test, y_train, y_test = train_test_split(X,y,test_size=0.2,random_state=1,stratify=y)
model_1 = GaussianNB(),y_train)
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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y_p = model_1.predict(X_test)
[7 1 7 ... 7 6 6]
m = np.mean(y_p)
f1 = np.std(y_p)
accuracy = accuracy_score(y_test,y_p)
In a Jupyter environment, please rerun this cell to show the HTML representation or trust the notebook.
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y_n = model_1.predict(X)
[9 6 8 ... 7 7 9]
accuracy_n = accuracy_score(y,y_n)
n = np.mean(y_n)
f = np.std(y_n)


This is the website:

Some resources about Naive Bayes Classifer: