Linear Regression#
Given the training dataset \(x_i\in\mathbb{R}\), \(y_i\in\mathbb{R}\), \(i= 1,2,..., N\), we want to find the linear function
that fits the relations between \(x_i\) and \(y_i\). So that given any \(x\), we can make the prediction
Loss Function and Optimization#
With the training dataset, define the loss function \(L(w,b)\) of parameter \(w\) and \(b\), which is also called mean squared error (MSE)
where \(\hat{y}^{(i)}\) denotes the predicted value of y at \(x_i\), i.e. \(\hat{y}^{(i)} = wx_i+b\).
Our goal is to find the optimal \(w\) and \(b\) that minimize the loss function \(L(w,b)\), i.e.
This is a function of \(w\) and \(b\), and we can analytically solve \(\partial_{w}L = \partial_{b}L =0\), and yields
where \(\bar{X}\) and \(\bar{Y}\) are the mean of \(x\) and of \(y\), and \(\text{Cov}(X,Y)\) denotes the estimated covariance (or called sample covariance) between \(X\) and \(Y\), \(\text{Var}(Y)\) denotes the sample variance of \(Y\).
Evaluating the model#
MSE: The smaller MSE indicates better performance.
MSE depends on the unit. For example, if we replace y[m] by y[mm], than MSE will be \(1000^2\) times the original MSE.
\(R^{2}\) (coefficient of determination): The larger \(R^{2}\) (closer to 1) indicates better performance. Compared with MSE, R-squared is dimensionless, not dependent on the units of variable.
Intuitively, MSE is the “unexplained” variance, and \(R^{2}\) is the proportion of the variance that is explained by the model: If our model is perfect, then MSE is 0, and \(R^{2}\) is 1. If we are using a constant model, then our best prediction is the mean of \(y\), and MSE is the variance of \(y\), and \(R^{2}\) is 0;
import numpy as np
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
class myLinearRegression:
The single-variable linear regression estimator.
This serves as an example of the regression models from sklearn, with methods fit, predict, and score.
def __init__(self):
self.w = None
self.b = None
def fit(self, x, y):
# covariance matrix,
# bias = True makes the factor 1/N, otherwise 1/(N-1)
# but it doesn't matter here, since the factor will be cancelled out in the calculation of w
cov_mat = np.cov(x, y, bias=True)
# cov_mat[0, 1] is the covariance of x and y, and cov_mat[0, 0] is the variance of x
self.w = cov_mat[0, 1] / cov_mat[0, 0]
self.b = np.mean(y) - self.w * np.mean(x)
# :.3f means 3 decimal places
print(f'w = {self.w:.3f}, b = {self.b:.3f}')
def predict(self, x):
Predict the output values for the input value x, based on trained parameters
ypred = self.w * x + self.b
return ypred
def score(self, x, y):
Calculate the R^2 score of the model
mse = np.mean((y - self.predict(x))**2)
var = np.mean((y - np.mean(y))**2)
Rsquare = 1 - mse / var
return Rsquare
# Generate synthetic data
np.random.seed(0) # for reproducibility
a = 0
b = 2
N = 20
x = np.random.uniform(a,b,N)
y = 2 * x + 1 + np.random.randn(N)
y_gt = 2 * x + 1
# Fit the model
lm = myLinearRegression(), y)
score = lm.score(x, y)
# plot data
plt.plot(x, y, 'o', label='data')
# plot ground truth
plt.plot(x, y_gt, label='ground truth')
# plot the linear regression model
xs = np.linspace(a, b, 100)
plt.plot(xs, lm.predict(xs), label=f'pred, $R^2$={score:.3f}')
print(f'score = {score:.3f}')
w = 2.467, b = 0.462
score = 0.580
We can also use LinearRegression
from sklearn.linear_model
to fit the linear model.
# Use the following command to install scikit-learn
# %conda install scikit-learn
# or
# %pip install scikit-learn
from sklearn.linear_model import LinearRegression
reg = LinearRegression()
# x need to be n-sample by p features, 1), y)
print(f'w = {reg.coef_[0]:.3f}, b = {reg.intercept_:.3f}')
score = reg.score(x.reshape(-1, 1), y)
print(f'score = {score:.3f}')
w = 2.467, b = 0.462
score = 0.580
What is the effect of centering the data?#
When \(X\) is centered, the slope \(w\) remains the same, but the intercept \(b\) changes.
The intercept now means the predicted Y when X is at the mean.
x_center = x - np.mean(x), 1), y)
print(f'w = {reg.coef_[0]:.3f}, b = {reg.intercept_:.3f}')
w = 2.467, b = 3.332
When Y is centered, then the intercept \(b\) is 0, and the slope \(w\) is the correlation between \(X\) and \(Y\).
y_center = y - np.mean(y), 1), y_center)
print(f'w = {reg.coef_[0]:.3f}, b = {reg.intercept_:.3f}')
w = 2.467, b = 0.000
What is the effect of scaling the data?#
When \(X/c\) is used, the optimal slope is now \(c w\), and the intercept does not change
# suppose we want to scale x to [0, 1]
scale_factor = np.max(x)
x_scale = x / scale_factor, 1), y)
print(f'w = {reg.coef_[0]:.3f}, b = {reg.intercept_:.3f}')
w = 4.756, b = 0.462
For linear regression, centering and scaling the data (both training and testing data ) does not affect the performance of the model.
For some other models, centering and scaling can be essential
Detailed Derivation of the Optimal Parameters (Not exam material).
The loss function for simple linear regression is given by:
To find the optimal ( w ), we set the partial derivative of ( L ) with respect to ( w ) to zero:
Differentiate with respect to ( w ):
Rearrange this equation to get:
Derivative with respect to \(b\):
This simplifies to:
Or, equivalently:
Substitute \(b\) back into the equation (*), we get:
Expanding this:
Rearranging terms
Now, solving for \(w\):
Recall that \(Cov(X,Y) = E[XY]-E[X]E[Y]\), and \(Var(X) = E[X^2] - E[X]^2\). Divide both the numerator and the denominator by \(N\). We can rewrite the above equation in terms of covariance and variance: $\(w = \frac{Cov(X,Y)}{Var(X)}\)$
This is the final expression for \(w^*\) in simple linear regression, representing the slope of the best-fit line.