Homework 1 (Due 10/4/2024 at 11:59pm)#
This homework prepares you for the submission workflow in this course.
Submission instruction:
Download the file as .ipynb (see top right corner on the webpage).
Answer the questions in the .ipynb file.
Before submission, make sure to rerun all cells by clicking
->Restart & Run All
and check all the outputs.Upload the .ipynb file to Gradescope.
Formatting Juptyer Notebook
Format the name and ID (under the title) as level 2 heading. See Headings in Markdown
Refer to the wiki page https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fundamental_theorem_of_calculus
Write “Fundamental Theorem of Calculus” in bold font. See Emphasis in Markdown
Type the theorem (wiki page - Formal statements - First part) in markdown. Use latex to write the mathematical expression. See writing math expressions.
We will use the pandas library in this course.
If pandas is not installed, install it using the following command in a code cell:
%conda install pandas
%pip install pandas
Check if pandas is installed by running the following code cell. If it is not installed, an error will be raised.
import pandas as pd
Download the penguins dataset from the internet. We will read the dataset into a pandas dataframe.
Put the penguins.csv file in the same directory as the notebook
Otherwise you need to specify the path to the file e.g.
If you’re using cloud-based Jupyter notebook, you need to upload the dataset to the notebook environment.
Run the following code cell to load the dataset into a pandas dataframe. If successful, a table will be displayed.
Reference: how to get the path of a file on Mac, on Windows
# you can get the path of the current directory where the notebook is located by using the following command
# !pwd
import pandas as pd
df = pd.read_csv('penguins.csv')
We will use some libraries for plotting, such as matplotlib and seaborn.
If seaborn is not installed, install it using the following command in a code cell:
%conda install seaborn
%pip install seaborn
Check if seaborn is installed by running the following code cell. If it is not installed, an error will be raised. If successful, a plot will be displayed.
import seaborn as sns
# Load an example dataset with long-form data
fmri = sns.load_dataset("fmri")
# Plot the responses for different events and regions
sns.lineplot(x="timepoint", y="signal",
hue="region", style="event",